Statement of Faith
We Believe:
That God is one God, and that He is the Creator of all things. That the One true God is three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
That Adam’s sin caused all human beings to be born in sin and in need of salvation; that all that is wrong in the world traces back to the fall of man through Adam’s sin.
That the first sin was committed by Lucifer, known as Satan - God’s adversary - who betrayed God and led a third of the angels in rebellion against Him. He and the angels who followed him are eternal enemies of God with no possibility of redemption. As the originator of sin, Satan became man’s tempter, leading Adam and Eve to sin. Hell was made for Satan and his demons as a place of eternal damnation. Human beings who refuse salvation will be also condemned to hell.
That the Lord Jesus Christ is God the Son from everlasting to everlasting. He came to earth in the flesh to correct Adam’s fall and save us from our sins. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, died, buried, resurrected from the dead with a glorified physical body and ascended into heaven. He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father and is fully God and fully man.
That the Bible in its entirety is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct.
That all who die are resurrected. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will experience resurrection to eternal peace and joy. Every tear shall be wiped away. Those who reject Jesus Christ will experience resurrection to eternal damnation and torment with Satan and his demons.
That salvation is a gift of Grace through personal faith in and submission to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
That Water Baptism by immersion – in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is a commandment and therefore a required act of obedience and confirmation of salvation.
That Baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking with tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance (Acts 2:4), operating in the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, signs, wonders and miracles are available to every believer today.
That the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be an actual physical, visible and personal return to earth to claim His rightful place as King, Ruler and Judge of mankind.
That believers are to pursue sanctification, personal holiness and purity of heart and life through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
That life is sacred, given by God and begins at conception; and that all unborn children are loved by God and should be given the legal protection of persons.
That marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman, and that no other definition is valid, even if supported by man-made law.
That the United States of America is a unique and Providential nation established on Biblical principle and that the greatness of America lies in maintaining its Judeo-Christian foundations.
That God blesses those who bless Israel and the Jewish people and curses those who curse Israel. Therefore anti-Semitism in all its forms is ungodly and sinful.
That the Church of Jesus Christ has a duty to be salt and light not only to the individual, but to our nation and the world.
That God loves everyone, but His love and favor are manifested particularly toward His people - those who love, obey, honor and put their faith in Him through Jesus Christ.
That God’s blessing, favor, healing, help and deliverance will be experienced by those who stand on the Covenant promises set forth in His Word.
That the Church is one universal body of born again, baptized believers without regard to race, ethnicity or nationality.
We welcome as church members all people who submit to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, believe in the Bible as God’s inerrant Word, are baptized and renounce sin. Our services are open to all who conduct themselves in decency and order.